crowandfog Feb 16, 2011 14:45
char: caroline forbes, :pat yourself on the back, re: tvd: season 2, fandom: the vampire diaries, char: tvd the other people on this show?, pair: caroline/elena/bonnie, char: damon salvatore, pair: damon/alaric, char: elena gilbert, char: alaric saltzman, .graphics, char: jeremy gilbert, *communities, pair: jeremy/bonnie
crowandfog Feb 04, 2011 22:22
char: caroline forbes, :pat yourself on the back, re: tvd: season 2, fandom: the vampire diaries, char: tvd the other people on this show?, pair: caroline/elena/bonnie, char: damon salvatore, char: elena gilbert, .graphics, pair: damon/elena, char: jeremy gilbert, *communities, pair: jeremy/bonnie